
What fresh really looks like
Ever experienced soft, slimy, or dehydrated mushrooms from your local supermarket or market? We are here to change that!
Not only do we provide the freshest mushrooms possible, but we also grow a wide range of exotic mushrooms that you've never heard of.
If you're into your mushrooms and looking to try something new, I'm sure we have the mushrooms for you.

A family run business in the heart of the New Forest
The Mushroom Barn is family run business based in the New Forest, UK.
We have been perfecting the growing process for over 30 years. Our mushrooms are delivered to establishments up and down the country.
Quality and the freshness of our mushrooms has always been paramount. Over the years, we have noticed an increase of imported, cheaper and subpar quality mushrooms.
We have decided to offer our products direct to the consumer so they can benefit from truly fresh, British, and low carbon emission grown produce.

Always hand harvested
Many farms nowadays use mechanical cutters to mass pick/cut a bed for efficiency. Although fast, this can significantly bruise and damage the mushrooms.
Handpicked mushrooms ensure delicate handling and minimal damage while allowing better yield from the beds.